
TTP provides a range of transport planning,travel planning and highway design services.

Transport Assessments

A Transport Assessment considers the effect of a development on local transport infrastructure, identifying the impact of changes in demand for travel and recommending mitigation measures where appropriate, such as travel plan initiatives or physical improvements. A Transport Assessment is required for all major schemes, with applications for more than 150 homes or 7,500sqm of floor space also being the subject of referral to Active Travel England, where a development will be reviewed for its potential to achieve a high proportion of trips to be made by walking and cycling.

Transport Statements

A Transport statement is a ‘lighter touch’ version of a Transport Assessment where it is agreed that the transport impacts arising from a development proposal are limited and will not require a detailed assessment.

Travel Plans

A Travel Plan provides a management strategy that encourages residents, employees or visitors to travel to a new or existing development by sustainable modes of transport, whether that be by public transport, walking or cycling and be less reliant on car ownership and usage. Often required in outline at the application stage, a Travel Plan will be developed over time and “live” alongside the completed development requiring ongoing survey monitoring and review. We can also offer a Travel Plan Co-Ordinator service. Travel planning initiatives can also be helpful when managing a high demand for car parking or in support of business relocation planning.

Expert Witness

If you are planning to appeal a refused application our senior team can provide a statement for written representations or prepare evidence and appear as an expert witness at a hearing or public inquiry. We will also negotiate with the relevant authorities to find common ground and remove/reduce the transport related reasons for refusal prior to the inquiry.

Planning Conditions

We provide advice and subsequently prepare suitable documentation to discharge planning conditions and to cover the requirements of Section 106 Agreements. This often relates to finalising a Travel Plan, Delivery & Servicing Management Plan, Waste Management Strategy, Car Park Management Plan or making the arrangements for suitable monitoring.

Delivery & Servicing Plans

A Delivery and Servicing Plan provides a strategy to manage and monitor deliveries and servicing to / from a development. The plan will consider the individual site’s servicing requirements, where deliveries should take place, the number of expected deliveries and mitigation measures. This is a particularly important document when servicing arrangements rely on goods vehicles waiting on the public highway and the Council will expect initiatives which seek to minimise the number of deliveries, promote smaller vehicles and reduce their waiting time.

Feasibility Studies and Access Appraisals

We can advise you on suitable access options for your development and offer an early indication of the areas of transport planning related risk for your project.

Junction Modelling

We have experience in undertaking simple and complex junction capacity assessments / modelling to assist in enabling development, making use of industry standard software such as Junctions9 (ARCADY9 and PICADY9) and LinSig.

Healthy Streets

Using the Healthy Streets Check for Designers produced by TfL we can support design teams to promote healthy streets as part of development proposals. We produce Healthy Streets format Transport Assessments as required by TfL, which focus more on active travel modes and the quality of the public realm and infrastructure to support them.

Stopping up Orders

Your development may be reliant on stopping up an area of public highway or diverting a footpath. We can take the lead in making the relevant application to the authorities, consulting with interested parties and managing the application through to a decision.

Construction Traffic Management Plans

A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) is often required by Councils to ensure that the impacts of construction traffic are appropriately managed to minimise the effect on neighbouring properties and the wider highway network. The range of issues detailed within a CTMP include permitted construction hours, site access, types of delivery vehicle used, protection for pedestrians & other vulnerable users, definition of vehicle routes and identifying the need for and extent of any parking suspensions.

Highways Design

Our team can offer highway layout advice for scheme feasibility, outline design for planning submission or detailed design services for technical approval / Section 278 Agreement prior to construction.

Contact TTP for a Fee Proposal

Please call the office (020 7100 0753) or contact one of the team if you would welcome an initial discussion about your project, we would be delighted to assist you. Alternatively, please send us some details about your project, either by email ( or by completing the form below, and we will reply by email, give you a call, or arrange a virtual meeting.

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